entrili : the personal click!

The perfect professional click?

Which starts with the search for a new job! entrili is your number one expert for the integration of new employees. We support the onboarding journey for both employers and employees, from A to Z. The result of seamless onboarding? Greater job satisfaction, a more efficient operation, and a stronger click. This personal approach goes hand in hand with digital tools that make the process measurable, transparent and user-friendly. Discover how entrili helps you on your way to that special professional click!

In this way, each party has an overview of how the company is evolving at any time!


Better quality selection
Better quality selection

Onboarding support leads to that special personal click!

Digital learning
Digital learning

A digital platform that enhances the skills of employees throughout the entire process.

Faster integration and start-up
Faster integration and start-up

Entrili takes the strain off the internal HR team, and aims to save time during the process.


Information on the evaluation of employees that is always clear and up-to-date.


A personal approach tailored to the requirements of both employer and employee.

Increase of retention
Increase of retention

Entrili looks after the expectations of employees, which leads to a higher level of satisfaction


An integrated process is equivalent to efficiency gains.

Feeling at home
Feeling at home

Entrili ensures that employees feel at home, because good onboarding leads to a higher level of satisfaction


processes realized


candidate experiences


satisfaction of users


What is it that makes entrili different?

Internal onboarding Internal onboarding

Entrili organises onboarding journeys that test, optimise and broaden the required skills and knowledge of the participants. Our expertise enables us to design and carry out the onboarding journeys internally. As a result, entrili supports the integration and optimisation of employees from A to Z.

Measurable Measurable

Entrili enhances and measures the skills of employees.
 These results are reported to the employer and the employee in a transparent and user-friendly manner and, as a result, the onboarding journey is therefore under control at all times.

Digitally automated Digitally automated

Entrili uses a digital platform customised to the needs of your organisation. Your needs form our starting point. The entrili platform can therefore be completely personalised.

Expectation Expectation

With entrili as a consulting partner, both the employee and the company have an immediate and transparent overview of the ongoing selection and onboarding process. Future employees know what they can expect of the company, and vice versa. This greatly increases the retention in the short term, and the motivation of employees.
